Monday, June 13, 2011

My Buckaroo Monday

I think I've almost gotten my blog makeover done, just a few more little tweaks!  YAY!!!  So, to go along with the cute new "blog duds,"  I thought I would make a new blog schedule too!  Hope you like it...

  • My Buckaroo Mondays: updates on Noah about what he's doing & how he's growing
  • Teaching Tuesdays: ideas for teaching preschool at home
  • Wedding Wednesday
  • Theme Party Thursdays: themed inspiration for parties
  • Friday Party Feature
  • Super Saturday: Freebies, General Store Back Room (etsy shop), Giveaways, etc.
So, let's get started today with My Buckaroo Monday!  I know it's been a LONG while since I've given any Noah updates, and I apologize to all out out-of-town family who check the blog hoping to catch a glimpse of our little cutie pie!   

I don't know if it is hot where you are, but here in East TN, the heat has been un-bearable, so in order for Noah to get to play outside AT ALL, he has to have a place to cool off!  So, we bought Noah his first wading pool and he LOVES it!  We take out our arsenal of toys (water squirters, boats, floating cars, etc) and he can stay out for hours!

Last weekend, we got to go to Austin's Monster Truck Jam 4th Birthday Party!  Noah had a blast jumping in the bounce house!  

Over Memorial Day weekend, we took a trip to WV to visit Sam's family!  Noah had a good time playing on the farm!  This is his "sassy pose!"

He got to ride a real steam engine while we were there, Cass Railroad, and had an awesome time! Here we are in the train!

The only part he didn't like was the LOUD whistle; this is his reaction to it!

At the top of the mountain, the train stopped so everyone could get off, explore an old logging fort, and take pictures.

In the evenings, Noah stayed busy fishing for "boo gills" and catching frogs, in particular "spring peep-ahs"  

Have a happy Monday, everyone! :)

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at the bounce house picture - all of the men laying around in it instead of kids jumping LOL Boys never grow up, do they?
