Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thrifty Thursday {Plate To-Do List}

Ok, I may be way behind here, but I just realized that you can use write on a glass plate with a dry-erase marker!  I wanted to make a cute To-Do List for my kitchen that I would see everyday.  In the past, I have written my list on a whiteboard hung on the inside of a kitchen cabinet.  The problem was it wasn't in plain view.  My mom always says, "Out of sight, out of mind," and she's right!  

So, while looking for materials for this project, I found a plain round white plate purchased a while back from Walmart.  I tried writing on it with my dry-erase marker...voila, works like a charm!  So, now I needed to make it cute and match my kitchen (which is pink).  Here's how I did it...

I bought these vintage feedsack yo-yo's from Backyard Prims.

{I got these alphabet stickers at Walmart too.}

And, that's it...super duper easy!  I seriously made this in about 15 minutes and I LOVE having a cute place to write my to-do list...and wipe things off (my favorite part)!  :) 
Linking to these parties...

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