Saturday, May 7, 2011

Being a Mom

I can't believe this is my 4th Mother's Day!  Noah was born a few weeks before my very first Mother's Day and he actually slept through the night for the first time on that awesome gift!  :)  As much as I loved being a Teacher for all those years, being a Mommy has taught me more about love, sacrifice, hope, and joy than I could ever imagine!  Noah Rhett is my sunshine, my happiness, and my world and I couldn't imagine my life without him!  Sam & I have been so blessed by this amazing little boy...he keeps us hopping, but I wouldn't want it to be any other way!  

So, as I looked back through pictures, I wanted to share some of my past Mother's Days with the precious blonde-haired, brown-eyed boy who made me a complete...made me a Mom!  

Here's some blog reading music for you. :)

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{4 weeks old}

{1 year old}

 {2 years old}

{3 years old}

My inspiration for striving to be a good Mom is my best friend, my Mama!  She is the best mother in the whole world and has always been there for me, no matter what!  I owe everything to her and I'm so grateful that God gave me the sweetest, smartest, and most loving Mom I could ever ask for!  I pray that I can be half as good a Mom to Noah as she has been to me for 33 years!  Thank you, Mama, for everything!  

Noah adores his Mimi!  :)

So, Happy Mother's Day weekend to all you Moms out there!  Enjoy your day with your precious ones!  Don't forget to hold them tight today...and think about what a blessing they are to you!  

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