Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Seussical Celebration & Chic Fil-A

Last night, we had our own Seussical Celebration in honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday!  We had Seussical Spaghetti, Diffendoofer Peas, Who Bread, Pink Ink Yink Drink, and Green Jello Eggs!  After dinner, Sam & I took turns reading Green Eggs and Ham to Noah.  Then, we enjoyed our own version of green eggs!  It was a super fun night!

I used my colorful dishes to set the table and a fuzzy blue flower as the centerpiece.

Noah LOVED his "green eggs" and even asked for more! 

Daddy reading Green Eggs & Ham to Noah

Are we cute, or what?  

Today, we had some excitement in our little town...WE GOT A CHICK FIL-A!!!  We are so excited because it is Noah's absolute favorite place to eat (& Mommy kind of likes it too :)  So, Noah & I braved the crowd and went there for breakfast this morning.  There were two high school bands there, a radio station, and the Chick Fil-A cow!  Of course, I had to take some pictures!  

Noah is enjoying his Chicken Minis in his car seat! :)

Happy Thursday, everyone!  

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