Sunday, March 27, 2011

Noah's Play Date

Last week, Noah had a fun play date with his friend, Livia!  She & Noah are only 2 weeks apart and we try to get them together to play every time Livia's Mommy (& my good friend), Bridget has a vacation from school.  She is an awesome 1st grade teacher!  

The weather was beautiful, so we started out at the park.  The kiddos ran around, played, and had so much fun!  Then, we took them to eat at a fun little restaurant where they shared spaghetti and pizza & finished it off with ice cream!  As usual, Noah chose the brightest color of ice cream (Superman), so he left with blue everything!  I managed to snap a few pictures of the munchkins playing together before they left.  

To see how much these little ones have grown, just look at these past photos (these babies are almost 3 ~ wow)!

May 2008 (1 month old)

June 2009 (1 year old)

February 2010 (almost 2)

April 2010 (Noah's 2nd birthday party)

Time flies!!!  There will soon be photos of Noah's 3rd birthday party!  Speaking of Noah's party...I am going to be taking a week off from blogging so that I can prepare to host the best train party EVER!!!  I shall return on Tuesday, April 5 with all the details from the party!  Have an awesome week, everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. I seriously did not recognize Noah and Livia when they were just 3 months old. WHAT HAS HAPPENED to little Noah? Was this the day that I saw him last? Tuesday?
