Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Blustery Day

Last Monday, when Mimi had a day off for President's Day, we picked up Memaw (Noah's Great-Grandmother), loaded up the car, and headed to a duck pond with a playground.  It was so windy, Noah could barely breathe, but that didn't stop him from "running like the wind, Bullseye!"  {He's a big Toy Story fan.}    He had fun feeding the ducks, playing, and running all day!  

getting ready to feed the duckies

I love this little pose!

Here, he's saying, "No mommy, I don't want to hold your hand...I want to play in the sand!"

He's tickled as Memaw carries him to the car!

Enjoy your Saturday, friends!  We're off to the circus this afternoon!

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