Wednesday, September 22, 2010

{WOW Find Wednesday} Moon Festival

I have always loved looking at the moon ~ I think there is something so magical & romantic about it!  Tonight, however, is a special moon ~ the Harvest Moon; red-orange, spreading across the night sky, and marking the beginning of Fall!  :)

My husband is in China right now & we have been talking every day on Skype (which is awesome, by the way).  They are a day ahead of us & yesterday was their Mid-Autumn Harvest Celebration & Moon Festival.  It is a special Holiday for them, where kids & adults have a week off from work & school.  One special tradition is eating Moon Cakes, which I saw while watching "Ni Hao Kai Lan" with my Lil' Pumpkin.  My hubby showed me what one looks like & they are pretty cool little cakes.

So, today, I came across a recipe for Moon Cakes on Secrets of a Super Mommy & thought this would be a perfect activity for me & Lil' Pumpkin to do tonight because Daddy is in China, we have been studying China this week in Tiny Teach (more info about that on Friday), & it's the Harvest Moon!  So, I just HAD to make some Moon Cake Toppers to put on top of my lovely cakes because what is a dessert without them?   

Hey, how do you like my DIY Dollar Tree cake stand?

So, if you want to gather your fam tonight on a blanket to see the Harvest Moon & make some oh-so-easy Moon Cakes, you can download my Moon Cake Toppers HERE.  

Don't forget to make a wish on the moon!   


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